We can’t keep kicking the dementia crisis into the long grass

As the general election draws closer, it’s worth remembering that Brexit is not the only important issue facing the country right now.

Ken Oxley is Media Officer for the Alzheimer’s Society in the North East and Cumbria

Contact: Name: Ken Oxley 0191 2983989 / 07483 926575 


As the general election draws closer, it’s worth remembering that Brexit is not the only important issue facing the country right now.

Social care reform is also high on the domestic agenda thanks, in no small part, to the campaigning work of Alzheimer’s Society.

It’s about time the issue received the attention it merits. For far too long, successive governments have kicked this deepening crisis into the long grass.

Now, promises to tackle it once and for all are being made by the main parties. And Alzheimer’s Society is determined to ensure those promises are kept.

That is why we are turning up the volume on the social care crisis with the launch our own Election Manifesto – Demanding Action on Dementia.

It’s part of our on-going Fix Dementia Care campaign, and we are calling on the next government commit to three key actions:

Radically reform social care to address the specific needs of people living with dementia, ending the daily injustice they, and their families, face in trying to access the good quality care to which they are entitled.

Ensure people living with dementia can participate in communities on the same basis as everyone else – feeling safe, included and respected.

Close the research funding gap between dementia and other diseases to ensure new treatments and life-changing care interventions are available.

The next government must grasp the social care nettle. Like Brexit, it is an issue that isn’t going to go away.

Until it does, Alzheimer’s Society will be here to champion the rights of everyone affected by the condition. Unite with us and join the campaign at alzheimers.org.uk/fix

How to find the right care for you or your relative

1. Find your local office

Bluebird Care delivers care from locally based offices, find yours to start your care journey today.

2. Get in touch with us

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3. Assessment

We’ll come out to you to find out what you or your loved one needs to help stay independent at home.

4. Care team chosen & care starts

You'll be cared for by our specially trained team to support you to remain at home for as long as possible.

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