Excellent day at Health+Care 2015

Published: 25/06/2015

Fiona Williams, director of operations, delivered a presentation ‘Driving quality through staff development’ sharing key insights into how Bluebird Care are tackling the major issues faced by the sector in attracting and keeping the best people. 

Fiona Williams presenting at Health+CareThe first of the two-day Health+Care 2015 conference saw keynote from The Rt Hon. Jeremy Hunt, Secretary of State for Health, present his views of the sector, and as such began an valuable day of sharing and contribution from a myriad of organisations from across the sector.
Fiona Williams, director of operations, delivered a presentation ‘Driving quality through staff development’ sharing key insights into how Bluebird Care are tackling the major issues faced by the sector in attracting and keeping the best people. Fiona was delighted to receive compliments from the audience and thankful to all who took the time to talk to her afterwards.
As Fiona discussed, the challenges we face in our sector are clear. We need to break the cycle of high retention rates, and the excellent professionals we are fortunate to already have in our sector need to be joined by significant numbers of likeminded, committed, professional and compassionate people in order to effectively cope with our society’s demand for the very best care services now and into the future.