We had a fantastic time at the Panto!

Published: 11/12/2017

We had a great time at our Christmas afternoon panto held at the Haymarket Theatre, last week. Everyone enjoyed The Night Before Christmas production and the chocolates went down a treat.

We had a great time at our Christmas afternoon panto event held at the Haymarket Theatre, Basingstoke last week.

Everyone enjoyed 'The Night Before Christmas' production and the chocolates went down a treat.

We love inviting our fabulous customers for special treats and giving them the opportunity to swap stories and socialise with each other as part of the home care service we provide.

A huge “Thank You” to the staff at Haymarket Theatre for looking after us all so well. We’ll be doing many more of this type of event in 2018 so let us know if you’d like to come along.

Home Care Basingstoke