Mary celebrates being a customer for 10 years

Published: 18/07/2019

Mary came to Bluebird Care in 2009 after suffering 2 strokes and came home from hospital unable to walk.

Mary originally lived in Cornwall near Foye and life was pretty tough as a 14 year old. Mary was the sole earner for her family and did many things to earn extra money  "I remember when the circus came to town and I was offered  5 shillings if I would put my head in the lions mouth. Well of course I was nervous but 5 shillings was a lot of money in those days so I did it  and then they offered me another 5 shillings to ride the wall of death and then 5 shillings more to ride the unrideable donkey, mum was over the moon when i returned home."

"I came to Basingstoke when I spotted a job advert at Overton I siezed the opportunity and moved to Whitchurch where I met my husband and went on to have 5 children. I now have 10 grandchildren and 34 great grandchildren who are really important me, family get togethers are always lots of fun". 

Mary is really keen to help others, she helps a lady who has partial sight to enjoy the crafts that are provided at the Kingfisher club that Mary attends 3 times a week. Mary loves doing crafts and makes Christmas wreaths as well as knitting baby hats and blankets for Great Ormond Street  hospital. A lot of the hats also go abroad to Africa and India.

Mary became a Bluebird Care customer in 2009 after suffering 2 strokes and came home from hospital unable to walk. Due to the commitment from Lynn her regular care assistant, Mary completed her exercises and slowly with the aid of a frame started to become mobile again.

"Thank you for the flowers it's such a lovely surprise I cant believe its been 10 years. The care assistants are extremely helpful in helping me keep my house tidy they go above and beyond. Flo even brought in some special cleaner to clean my washing machine and in the winter I'd be lost without them as they keep my fire lit for me. Everyone is so caring and kind "

Congratulations Mary from everyone at Bluebird Care.                                                                                            Home Care Basingstoke