Two Hairdressers Join Bluebird Care During Covid-19 Pandemic

Published: 12/06/2020

Two hairdressers from the local area, Jodie and Kirstie had to close their businesses temporarily due to Covid-19 restrictions and joined Bluebird Care

Home Care Basingstoke

Jodie is aged 42, she has 3 children, Kirstie is 49 with 1 child. The two hairdressers have known each other since Kirstie cut Jodie’s hair many years ago, but they had lost contact over the years due to their busy lifestyles.

Kirstie joined Bluebird Care first and Jodie bumped into her in the car park at her local supermarket. After they spoke, Jodie decided she also wanted to join as a Care Assistant. Jodie was very honest when she spoke to the team at Bluebird Care, explaining that she wasn’t sure if this job was going to be temporary or if she would even enjoy it. Nevertheless, she felt the circumstances were right to give it a go as she wanted to do something rewarding with her time.

Jodie has been working as a Care Assistant in the community, she has been assisting with meals, personal care and end of life care. Jodie said:“I enjoy meeting the customers and listening to their stories. It feels like your helping somebody no matter how small it might be you are making a difference every day.

“I’ve discovered I have more empathy and compassion than I ever knew I had. I have been so welcomed by all the staff who have helped me no end and the customers have been just as welcoming. I’ve learnt new skills and found out a lot about myself”

Jodie completed a full Bluebird Care training course, they used socially distanced classrooms and shadowed Care Assistants. Incredibly, although Jodie will be able to reopen her barbers soon under government guidelines, she has decided she can’t walk away from care and will continue to work for Bluebird Care one day a week. Jodie added:

“ I can’t do hairdressing all my life and now I know I love this job and the rewards it brings to me I know I will have a solid career to change over to when the time is right”

Kirstie had always wanted to try working in the care sector, but she didn’t feel she could leave her business as a hairdresser to try it. Once lockdown started and her business had to close, she decided this was the perfect time to try it as she felt the need to help others.

Kirstie also completed a full training course with Bluebird Care and is now working as a Care Assistant in the local community. She said:

“I love listening to people’s stories and kind of forgot that older people had lives before they needed help. Leaving a person comfortable, happy and with a smile is such a humbling feeling. I also love working with my colleagues they are a great bunch of ladies, all of whom have been so welcoming. I hold carers in a different light and underestimated the skills they have and the training that is involved with becoming a care worker.

“It’s not a job for just anyone or indeed not a gap filler job. This has been a life changing experience for me… I love it. When I am able to return to hairdressing I will definitely continue to work here at Bluebird Care in some capacity as I simply can’t walk away completely it’s got under my skin.”


Kim Teagle, Recruitment and Retention Manager said:

“It has been lovely to hear that people’s views have changed about care work and now having seen and heard the recognition by the public its really given our care workers a boost that people’s attitudes have changed.

“We are very lucky to have over 90 Care Assistants who are incredible and have supported customers and each other through these very stressful times. We are incredibly proud of each and every one of them. Thank you, Josie and Kirstie, you have been such a wonderful addition to the team.”