2020 Care Awards

This is the 3rd year we have run the carer awards – Due to COVID-19 restrictions we must improvise but we are still determined to recognise our wonderful care assistants even if it is remotely


This is the 3rd year we have run the carer awards – Due to COVID-19 restrictions we must improvise but we are still determined to recognise our wonderful care assistants even if it is remotely


As Directors Phil and I are so proud and humbled to work with an amazing team of care workers who are in turn supported by an amazing office team.

We all know what BB stands for!

  • We always put the customer FIRST! You always value the unique qualities of each of your customers, seeing the whole person and not just a list of tasks to complete
  • You always deliver a standard of care that you would want for your own loved ones.

Each and every day you not only provide the very highest quality of care you all done amazing things to improve the quality of life of your customers. Under normal circumstances you support a range of activities like:

  • Annual beach trip
  • Monthly craft and cuppa sessions
  • Silver Sunday
  • Trips to pantomime etc…

However, with COVID-19 19 restrictions this has not been possible during 2020. However, you have shown great determination and creativity to still enrich your customers’ lives by working safely around these restrictions. A couple of great examples are:

  • Kerenza coming up with the wonderful idea to create and deliver personalised shoeboxes full of Christmas treat as part of the combating loneliness campaign . The amount of effort involved and the reaction of those customers who received them has been wonderful.
  • Sammie Stanley had to be shielding during first lockdown but rather than think of herself she unselfishly spent much of lockdown knitting over 100 beautiful Red Poppies that  were delivered to customers as part of the Poppy celebrations in November.

Thank you to both of you but also to everyone else who supported the range of activities that Kim, Jady and other members of the office team arranged during 2020 as part of customer engagement activities.

Not all superheroes wear a cape but for Phil and me a whole dedicated bunch of them wear Bluebird Care uniforms