Mental Health Day 2020

The 10th of October 2020 is Mental Health Day, and one of our carers provided us with the opportunity to interview them on their life dealing with mental health.


The 10th of October 2020 is Mental Health Day, and one of our carers provided us with the opportunity to interview them on their life dealing with mental health.


Today is the 10th of October, and for many this day holds no significance other than being a normal day for them, but today is World Mental Health Day 2020.

For this day, we wanted to do something to raise awareness for mental health, as more times than not, yourself or those close to you are likely to be living with mental health problems. Being a carer does not make them exempt from dealing with this. While they are out in the community providing the vulnerable with the high standards of care you would expect from any care provider with a big smile on their face, it can be easy for those on the outside looking in to assume such people aren’t struggling with their mental health.

So, we thought an interview with someone who represents this group of people would be the best way to raise awareness for mental health, and one of our wonderful carers was more than happy to discuss their truths when it comes to their mental health.

Please note we are keeping our carer anonymous for confidentiality reasons.

Q. How long have you been dealing with your mental health? And what do you deal with on a regular basis?

A.  Mine started because I had survivor guilt after battling and surviving meningitis, as I could not believe I walked away scot free from such a disease, and it got worse after having my children especially my second who nearly died and was then diagnosed with a heart condition. I split up with their dad after discovering he was a drug user and I carried on with my life and children. I have dealt with it for nearly 24+ years. It has gone up and down with losing my Nan and 4 months later my Dad. 

Q. How do you manage your mental health? Especially while working?

A. I just get on with it and manage to hide from my customers and colleagues very well. If I’m having a bad day, then I can get quiet but because I don’t do double ups often, I can hide it better. 

Q. How does work/Bluebird assist with your mental health?

A. I love my job and can hide it well and so Bluebird Bath & NE Somerset can hardly tell, however I know I can always speak to a member of the management team should I need to and they will assist me/support/signpost me in the right direction.

Q. What do you do outside of the working environment that is assistive to your mental health?

A. I find myself in reading and watching my favourite shows. I write letters to people but don't send them, this is basically just to get how I feel off my chest. I talk to my friends but do not really talk to them about how I feel as I don’t want to burden them. When I can I see my friends and my family as I find this can be assistive.

Q. What do you want people to know about your mental health as a whole?

A. We are not mental and we can be 'normal' and do jobs. We don’t sit around crying and sometimes we have bad days, but I force myself to get out of bed and carry on with life. We laugh and smile and do everything we can to appear normal. We don’t want to be burdens to any one and sometimes we want someone to sit there and listen to us, but not to try and fix us or treat us like we are mad. Mental health can come at any age and sometimes we don’t see it coming as one day we can be well and happy and the next day boom a black cloud appears.

End of interview.

The world of mental health can be utterly daunting at times and that is why we are so appreciative that we have carers who are willing to be open and truthful, and we hope this interview provides those who don’t deal with mental health an insight into what it can be like; and for those of you who do deal with your mental health, we hope it provides some comfort knowing that others are feeling the same way.

Here at Bluebird Care Bath & NE Somerset we are always encouraging our carers to talk to us, to speak out if they are struggling. As an employer we aren’t able to fix anyone’s mental health but we are able to assist and provide resources for those who want them, and then signpost them in the right direction to obtain the help they require.

If you need some assistance but don’t know where to start, you can access the following:

A massive thank you to our carer, who has taken the time to speak to us honestly about their mental health, we appreciate you!