Lifting of Covid Restictions

Published: 16/07/2021

Are you feeling anxious about the lift of restrictions? Take a look at our small guide for advice!


        Covid restrictions, Bluebird Care, Homecare, Bristol, Bath


Monday 19th July 2021 will see the easing of almost all Covid related restrictions in England, and while for some of us this may be a welcome change, for others it is a change they are not looking forward to. It is okay to be in either of these groups of people and if you need some advice on how to deal with this anxiety, take a read below.

What are the changes to the Covid policy as of Monday?

  • You will no longer have to socially distance.
  • No limits on the amount of people you can meet with.
  • Face coverings will no longer be required.
  • No limits on attendees at weddings, civil partnerships, funerals and other life events. This also included communal worship.
  • Table service no longer required.

It is important to note that while restrictions have been lifted, some establishments will still be encouraging social distancing and masks to be worn, so make sure to double check before you attend.

How to cope with anxiety that you may have when restrictions are lifted?

Here are some tips for any one who may not be ready for the restrictions to be lifted yet.

  • You are allowed to feel this way. Many have been working from home, or having limited contact with people, it is more than okay to feel worried.
  • Talk to others. Opening up to others can be cathartic, in some cases friends & family are perfect for this, and in others don’t hesitate to contact a GP or an organisation for assistance.
  • Social outings can be planned. Discuss the plans with the people that will be there. Make sure you feel comfortable and take it all at your own pace.
  • Make your tasks manageable. You don’t have to go on a shopping spree or to a large event, you could always meet someone for a hot drink and go on a walk, or sit on a table outside.
  • Continuing with the current restrictions. If you still wish to wear a face covering and socially distance then continue to do so, don’t feel you have to stop because others are.

Bluebird Care Bath & NE Somerset will continue to follow the guidelines provided to us by the government and local councils, ensuring the safety of our customers and care assistants.

Naturally, care assistants might not be ready for the easing of restrictions, especially outside of work. Bluebird Care Bath & NE Somerset make all our care assistants eligible to access specialist GP services and online counselling should they feel this is something they need at any stage in their employment with us.

If the above has inspired you in career in care please visit: or call us on 01225445225 to speak to a member of our recruitment team.