Continence Champion Training

Published: 30/04/2018

Amreet from Bluebird Care Bedford is training to become our Continence Champion.

On Wednesday 25th April, Amreet Sanghera went along to the first session of her Continence Champion Training organised and run by NHS continence team.

Amreet is one of Bluebird Care Bedford’s Supervisors and has been working for Bluebird Care since 2014, bringing over 3 years of experience in care to the team. Amreet was promoted to Supervisor in March 2017 and has excelled at her role.

The first session of Amreet’s Continence Champion training was an introduction to the continence team who gave an overview of what they do in the community, in hospitals & residential homes.

The continence nurses covered the different types of incontinence and issued the Healthy drinks for a healthy bladder factsheet.Click here to download the factsheet.

A rep from Attends was also part of the session, they explained the technology behind incontinence pads and how they work. They gave some very useful tips about using incontinence pads which our team are already using when supporting our customers with continence care.

Amreet found the session very interesting and found the technology involved in continence pads fascinating.
Amreet will be attending a full day session soon and following that she will then go out with the continence nurses to observe what they do when they are making assessments.

The aim of the training is to provide our team with an additional resource in a Continence Champion, so that we are able to continue to provide our customers with the very best care, support and advice on this sensitive subject.

Bluebird Care (Bedford) are able to provide support with all aspects of personal care as well as many other aspects of yours or loved ones daily lives. To find out more about the services we can provide please click here or give our friendly Customer Care Team a call on 01234 211481.