CQC Inspected us and rated – GOOD !!!

The CQC, independent regulator for health and social care visited us. In its report, which praised the company for its care and several unique initiatives. The company has been awarded “Good Rating"


The CQC, independent regulator for health and social care visited us. In its report, which praised the company for its care and several unique initiatives. The company has been awarded “Good Rating"

CQC Inspected us and rated – GOOD !!!


       The CQC, the independent regulator for health and social care in England, visited Bluebird Care, based in Birmingham East, and recently published its annual report, which praised the company for its care and several unique initiatives. The company has been awarded “Good Rating”
Bluebird Care provides individually-tailored at-home care to people living in Birmingham East and the surrounding areas and was found by inspectors to provide safe, effective, caring, and responsive. Working alongside families and individuals, their bespoke services ensure customers stay in control of their own care for as long as they are able to, supporting customers throughout Birmingham East.

        Inspectors spoke to staff and customers as part of the inspection of the Birmingham East area and found: “People received support that was exceptionally kind, caring and empowering. People were supported to maintain lifestyles they chose and to identify and achieve their goals in life. People were encouraged to take part in the community and charitable events to build social integration and minimize the risk of isolation and loneliness.

         The inspector left some kind words regarding “Safe” – “People received support that was safe and care staff knew how to keep them safe. Appropriate care staff were recruited to support people safely and where medicines were administered this was done as it was prescribed. There were sufficient care staff to support people and risks to people were identified and reviewed. Care staff were trained to know how to follow infection control processes with access to personal protective equipment. Where accidents or incidents happened, trends were monitored.”

         For “Effective” – “People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and care staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice. Care staff had access to an induction process which ensured they knew how to support people. Where people needed support to access healthcare, care staff supported people where required. People decided what they had to eat and drink.”

        “Care” – “People received support that was caring and kind. People’s privacy, dignity and independence was promoted.” And finally for “Responsive” – “People received support that was responsive to their needs. Assessments and care plans identified people’s support needs and how they would be met. Reviews were carried out to ensure where people’s support needs changed care staff could be made aware. The provider had a complaints process in place which people used to share any concerns they had.”

               Bluebird Care Birmingham East Director said he was ‘thrilled’ with the rating. “The level of care we offer is what is at the heart of the company and what matters most to us. It’s fantastic that the inspectors found our carers so competent and good at what they do. We could not be more chuffed that the level of care we offer has been rated Good. Every single one of our team members is committed to putting our customers at the heart of what we do. We are delighted that CQC has recognized this. We will continue to strive every day to ensure we provide the very best possible care and look forward to building many more relationships our customers can trust”

             Registered Manager “Sue Manickam”, said: “My heart felt thanks to all our amazing staffs who played a major part in achieving this “Good” rating from CQC. its all because of your hard work and commitment towards to it. You all should be proud of the result. It’s all because of the team work that we do it together. “I am immensely proud of our fantastic results. We gained an overall rating of ‘good’ and the report was very complimentary of our care practices and staff which is everything we could hope for. "Through many challenges, our care staff always go the extra mile, coming in on days off and covering extra shifts when needed and standards have not slipped which speaks volumes of the staff we have. I am proud to work with each and every one of our care staff. Once again thank you all & love you all so much.... you all are doing such an amazing & fantastic job; I am very proud to be a part of this amazing team!!! Well done”