All ship shape!

Published: 02/10/2017

The Newhaven Severn Class Lifeboat was taken to Sovereign Harbour, Eastbourne last week for its bi-annual wash and scrub!

The Newhaven Lifeboat was taken to Sovereign Harbour, Eastbourne last week for its bi-annual wash and scrub!
Every six months the Severn class lifeboat gets lifted out of the water so that the hull can be jet washed and repainted with antifoul. Other tasks are also carried out such as anode replacement and checks on trim tabs, bow thruster and propellers.
It is quite an occasion as the lifeboat weighs 44 tonnes and just about fits into the dock in Sovereign Harbour making it the largest boat to be lifted there. There is always a great deal of interest from the public especially when the boat is sitting on a hard stand, completely out of the water.
The crew and technicians, some pictured, spent around six hours cleaning and painting the hull of the boat which was hard work but all got a great sense of achievement from it. 
Gary Johnson said;
As a crew, we are very proud to have a Severn class and feel that it is our opportunity to give something back to the boat that keeps us safe and well in all weathers.
Pictured are some of the crew and technicians who work on the Newhaven Lifeboat.

Gary Johnson, Director of Bluebird Care (Brighton & Hove) and (Lewes District) is pictured on the far left and has been a proud member of the crew for the past four years.