Bluebird Care Lewes, Brighton & Hove Raffle Winner - August 2018

Published: 08/10/2018

Many congratulations to Erzsebet Vaskone who won our Employee Raffle on our first draw at the end of August 2018.

Three times a year Bluebird Care (Lewes District, Brighton & Hove) organize an employee raffle, it’s free for employees to enter the only qualifying criteria is that the staff member must have been with the company for 1 year or more. There is only one prize, £300 for the lucky winner.
The raffle was first drawn on 31st August 2018 and the winner on this occasion was Erzsebet Vaskone. Erzsebet works as a  Live-In Carer from our Brighton & Hove branch. Congratulations to Erzsebet!

The next raffle will be drawn on 31st December 2018! Good luck everyone!