Bluebird Care Slough, S.Bucks & S.Wycombe launch new staff learning programme

Published: 13/04/2016

Bluebird Care Slough, S.Bucks & S.Wycombe are marking National Parkinson’s Awareness Week from 18-24 April by ensuring its staff are trained to care for customers using the latest information and best practice.

Bluebird Care Slough, S.Bucks & S.Wycombe are marking National Parkinson’s Awareness Week from 18-24 April by ensuring its staff are trained to care for customers using the latest information and best practice.

The ‘Understanding Parkinson’s for Health and Social Care Staff’ programme, will ensure staff are providing the best care possible for any customers with the disease. They embarked on the scheme after deputy care manager Katy Cresswell successfully completed a training course run by Parkinson’s UK, enabling her to train others.

She said:
We care for a significant number of people locally with Parkinson’s and we can make a big difference to their lives, by understanding more about this disease and providing tailored care.

We aim to train at least 12 staff members each year, using the learning programme and it’s already made a big difference to the work that our carers carry out because they feel more educated and informed.”
Care assistant Luis Albelda said;
I now know that I am delivering the very best care possible for people with Parkinson’s and I understand far more about this disease since completing my training.”
National Parkinson’s Awareness Week aims to raise funds and awareness about the disease. One person in every 500 has Parkinson's - about 127,000 people in the UK. Symptoms and how quickly they progress are different for everyone. There's currently no cure, but drugs and treatments are available to manage many of the symptoms.