Bluebird Care Slough, S.Bucks & S.Wycombe celebrate July work anniversaries

Published: 29/07/2016

We would like to congratulate all of our team members who are celebrating their work anniversaries with us this month.  

We would like to congratulate all of our team members who are celebrating their work anniversaries with us this month.

We would firstly like to thank two care assistants Corina Gavrila and Marius Luca for their one year anniversary with us!

Congratulations for Elaine Phillpot our recruitment manager who is also celebrating one year with us.

Jenny Hockley is celebrating two years as a care assistant with us!

Thank you to Mercy Kapepe who is our live in care assistant and is celebrating 4 years with us!

Lastly we would like to thanks Jan Baxter who is celebrating a massive 6 years of being a care assistant for us!

We would like to thank all of you for your continued hard work and we hope there are many more anniversaries to come!