Bluebird Care Slough, S.Bucks & S. Wycombe celebrate August work anniversaries

Published: 31/08/2016

We would like to congratulate all of our team members who are celebrating their work anniversaries with us this month.

We would like to congratulate all of our team members who are celebrating their work anniversaries with us this month.

Firstly, we would like to congratulate five of our care assistants, Disney Abeysekera, Nadeem Chatta, Zeljka Gespaher, Maja Rajn and Ivan Vragolovic, on their one year anniversary with us.

Annie Greenfield, support coordinator and Kellie Murray, office administrator are also celebrating one year with us!

Two of our senior care assistants, Val Gordiyenko and Karen Kettle have their one year anniversary this month too.

Our care mentor, Roxie Firulete is celebrating 2 years with us.

Mary Shonhiwa, our live-in care assistant has been with us 3 years this month.

Lastly, Bel Denney is celebrating an amazing 6 years with us as care assistant!

We would like to thank you all for your continued hard work and hope there are many more anniversaries to come!
