
Showing results 37 - 45 (of 170)

Corona Virus Scams Alert by SAFER Project, West Yorkshire Trading Standards: Volume 23

West Yorkshire Trading Standards share the current COVID-19 scams out there and how you can protect yourself and loved ones in this flyer.


Charity warns pandemic has led to 1.4m people aged 60+ eating less and at greater risk of being malnourished

The elderly are struggling to eat a healthy amount of food which can cause a decline in health and it is difficult to check for the signs of lack of appetite.


Advice for people with elderly relatives

We’ve put together a handy guide to offer the best practical advice for how you can support your elderly loved ones during the pandemic.


GPs offering pulse oximeters to those vulnerable to COVID-19

GPs are offering devices that monitor oxygen levels and pulse rate to those that are particularly vulnerable to the effects of COVID-19.


Corona Virus Scams Alert by SAFER Project, West Yorkshire Trading Standards: Volume 22

West Yorkshire Trading Standards share the current COVID-19 scams out there and how you can protect yourself and loved ones in this flyer.


Access to Covid Vaccine for Adult Carers

The NHS Calderdale CCG are now pleased to be able to offer Covid vaccinations to our unpaid Adult Carers in Calderdale at the two local hospitals.


Fairer For Carers Campaign 2021

Carers UK is calling on the Government to urgently address the financial hardship that many unpaid carers face due to their caring responsibilities.


Dementia Carers Count

Dementia Carers Count is a national charity dedicated to supporting family and friends caring for someone with dementia.


Vaccination Transport Plan for West Yorkshire Announced

As the mass vaccination programme rolls out, The West Yorkshire Combined Authority has announced several measures to help local people in getting to community vaccination centres by public transport.


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