Bluebird Care backs Professional Care Workers Week!

Published: 02/09/2020

Bluebird Care Camden & Hampstead is celebrating Professional Care Workers’ Week 2020 which runs from 1st - 4th September.

Bluebird Care Camden & Hampstead is celebrating Professional Care Workers’ Week 2020 which runs from 1st - 4th September and is an extension of Professional Care Worker Day that takes place on the 4th September.

The week focuses on the key theme “Respect and Recognition” and appreciates the dedicated hard work that care workers do on a day-to-day basis. Especially during the current coronavirus pandemic. It also seeks to raise public perception of social care and improve support for care worker’s mental wellbeing.

During these difficult times, care workers have been on the front line, helping to take care of the vulnerable and elderly members of our community. 3 in 4 carers feel their caring role is not understood or even valued by their community. At Bluebird Care Camden & Hampstead we hope to raise awareness of the mental health care support available to carers across the local community.

George Morris, Director of Bluebird Care Camden & Hampstead, said:

“In the UK, there are an estimated 2 million social care workers, all of which have played a vital role in the coronavirus pandemic. Support, recognition and appreciation needs to be given.

At Bluebird Care we are proud to support Professional Care Worker’s Week which highlights the challenges carers have faced during the coronavirus pandemic and the much-needed respect and acknowledgement they deserve for their outstanding efforts. We hope that by supporting this campaign it will raise awareness of how exceptional care workers are and make them aware of the support that is available to them.

Does a care worker help you or a loved one? Why not show your gratitude by sending us a little appreciation note and we’ll post it on our social media. You can also tweet your appreciation of care workers using the hashtags #PCWWeek20 and #R&R.”

The event will also host webinars and panel discussions throughout the week which amongst other topics will discuss the future of social care. You can register for free by clicking on here.

For more details contact Bluebird Care by calling 0207 449 0557, emailing, or by visiting their website at