
Showing results 181 - 189 (of 246)

Bluebird Care Camden & Hampstead support International Day of Older Persons

Bluebird Care Camden & Hampstead supports and joins the UK in raising awareness on Older peoples Day.


Bluebird Care Camden & Hampstead support World Alzheimer's month

Bluebird Care Camden & Hampstead is supporting World Alzheimer's month and will participate in an event which aims to raise awareness of Dementia to the local community.


Dementia – More awareness, less STIGMA.

Dementia is now Britain’s largest killer so there is suffering on a huge scale, not only for the people who have Dementia but the millions of people that provide the care and support on a daily basis. Over the last 10 years we have observed improved awareness, however myself and the team at Bluebird Care Camden & Hampstead still witness a certain stigma related to this degenerative disease. On a monthly basis we hear the phrase “suffering with dementia."Read more about our dementia care services serving Camden & Hampstead.


Coping With Age-Related Hearing Loss

 Hearing problems will affect most of us in older age, so it's important to be aware of the challenges this brings and what we can all do to give a helping hand to people living with age-related hearing loss.


Supporting People to Live Well with Parkinson’s Disease

As it's Parkinson's Awareness Day on April 11th, our latest blog takes a closer look at this condition and how homecare from Bluebird Care Camden and Hampstead can support people to live well with Parkinson's disease.


Taking the Pressure Off – How the Right Homecare Can Help You Beat Stress

Living with a health condition or caring for someone who has health problems can be very stressful. Our latest blog looks at how homecare from Bluebird Care Camden and Hampstead can help take the pressure off.


The Dangers of Dehydration - Promoting Good Hydration in the Home Care Environment

In honour of Nutrition and Hydration Week 2018, we take a closer look at how to identify the symptoms and minimise the risk of dehydration and let you know what we're doing to support our Camden and Hampstead customers to stay healthy and hydrated.


Healthy Ageing – Keeping Your Mind Sharp and Your Body Active!

Supporting older people to look after their health is an important part of our homecare service - our latest blog tells you what we're doing in Camden and Hampstead to help our customers stay physically active and mentally stimulated.


Dignity in Care – Respecting and Promoting the Rights of the Individual

Dignity in Action Day was celebrated earlier in February - in our blog, we look at how we put dignity in care into action every day here in North London.


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