Stimulating the Brain

Research has shown that brain-training games can help keep older adults sharp for as many as 10 years longer.


Research has shown that brain-training games can help keep older adults sharp for as many as 10 years longer.

Whether it's the daily crossword puzzle, Sudoku, Scrabble or another game that excites you, make an effort to engage in games or puzzles that make you think.  This can also improve over all mood.

Here is an example of how it can help:

This is Mr Dennis C who lives alone and has 3 x visits a day from us.

He was suffering from boredom and was not wanting to get out of bed. Then, Care Assistant Tracy Owens, had an idea to try and engage him in some stimulating brain work, doing large print crossword puzzles.

It took a few days but he is now enjoying these and Tracy has seen a marked improvement in his over all mood.