We are getting Vaccinated

Our staff are having the vaccination and some are on their second one!


Our staff are having the vaccination and some are on their second one!

Since the first week of January 2021 our whole team including management and office support have been having their vaccine in both of our offices in Cardiff South and The Vale of Glamorgan.

Being offered the vaccine has lifted a huge weight of our shoulders in terms of keeping our customers and staff as safe as possible during the COVID Pandemic. We have offered all of our staff the support and advice needed to make the best decision they can so we can all help the fight against COVID19.

When you have had the vaccine, becoming severely ill with coronavirus becomes much less of a risk and the symptoms much less too. The vaccine that has been offered to our staff is licensed and approved by all of the relevant bodies and have gone through all the necessary stages of development to make them safe and effective.

We are proud to join the fight against COVID19, Julie Pope, Care Manager .

Keeping our staff and customers safe from COVID19 is of utmost priority to us and our team