Bluebird Care Cardiff South is supporting Self Care Week 2016

Published: 14/11/2016

Bluebird CareCardiff South is supporting this year’s Self Care Week which runs from 14-20th November and is organised by the Self Care Forum. 

The Self Care Forum is a UK organisation formed in 2011, with the aim of embedding self care into everyday life. The organisation offers support to individuals in taking better care of their health and is a resource to NHS organisations, local authorities and those within the voluntary sector.

Self Care Week is an annual awareness week to encourage support for Self Care across communities, with this year’s theme focusing on Health Literacy. The weeklong event aims to allow individuals to become more knowledgeable in self care for life and embedding support across communities. With a particular focus on health and lifestyle choices, having a positive impact on an individual’s physical and mental wellbeing.

Huw Owen , Director of Bluebird Care Cardiff South , said:
“We are delighted to be supporting Self Care Week and encouraging our local community to keep fit and healthy. As well as directing individuals in the right resources and developing their knowledge on wellbeing and self-care.”
Visit the Self Care Forum website to find out more about the campaign and how you can get involved.