Andrea conquered Kilimanjaro!

Published: 26/02/2018

Congratulations to Andrea for successfully reaching the summit of Kilimanjaro and raising £30,000 for AMMF.

Andrea and her team at the top of KilimanjaroFresh back from Tanzania, our friend and supplier to the business Andrea Sheardown has successfully reached the summit of the mighty Kilimanjaro!

Accompanied by her teenage son and others, Andrea’s climb was the latest in a number of similar adventures all to raise money for the AMMF – cholangiocarcinoma charity. Having battled with this rare bile duct cancer herself, Andrea has campaigned tirelessly to raise awareness and funds, now reaching a whopping £30K from all of her efforts!

Bluebird Care Cheshire East is delighted to sponsor Andrea’s work in this important area and it’s great to have our logo on the top of a mountain! (Andrea pictured with fellow climbers and her sponsorship board).