Mental Health Awareness Training

Throughout November Action Mental Health facilitated mental health awareness training with our staff


Throughout November Action Mental Health facilitated mental health awareness training with our staff

We were delighted to host Hayley from Action Mental Health (AMH) who talked to our staff about mental health awareness and well-being.

Hayley ran a number of sessions with our staff throughout November talking to them about

  • the signs and symptoms of mental ill health
  • changing the stigma of mental ill health
  • things we can do to maintain or improve our mental well-being
  • where to seek help if you are struggling

It is important to us that our Staff look after themselves not just physically but also emotionally, especially in their Care Assistant role which can be stressful at times.

Our staff found the sessions to be beneficial in building awareness about their own mental health and well-being.  It is also helpful for them working our Customers who have mental health conditions, and also to identify those who may be experiencing difficulties with their well-being.