Bluebird Care Docklands, Stratford and Wapping is supporting Carers Week 2021

Published: 10/06/2021

Bluebird Care Docklands, Stratford and Wapping is supporting Carers Week 2021, an annual campaign raising awareness of caring from 7–13 June. 

Carers Week highlights the challenges carers may face as well as the contributions they make to their community. 

There are 6.5 million unpaid carers in the UK and since the coronavirus outbreak in 2020, many have had to provide even more care and deal with increased levels of isolation. 20% of unpaid carers do not know or understand what support is available to them, so at Bluebird Care Docklands, Stratford and Wapping we hope to raise awareness of the support that is available to unpaid carers across London. 

This year’s campaign hopes to Make Caring Visible and Valued, by bringing together individuals and organisations that already support carers and highlight the vital role they play in our communities. 

Please see below if you are ‘pledging your support’, joining their campaign for better breaks, or running any other fundraising activities to help raise awareness of Carers Week 2021.

At Bluebird Care Docklands, Stratford and Wapping we have pledged our support for Carers Week 2021 and are joining their better breaks for unpaid carers campaign, helping to make care more visible and ensure unpaid carers feel valued. 

Anoop Sekhon director of Bluebird Care Docklands, Stratford and Wapping said:

“Carers Week highlights the challenges carers can face and the support they might need, we are supporting these individuals and are happy to do what we can to help raise awareness of the unpaid carers in our community. We hope that by supporting this campaign it will provide help to those caring in our local area and make them aware of the support that is available to them.”

Visit the Carers Week website to find out more about the campaign and how you can get involved.