The Mum Test in real life!

Published: 11/11/2015

This week we received the results of our recent comprehensive CQC Inspection. William Flint, Director of Bluebird Care East Devon reflects on the inspection process in our latest blog.

The Mum Test in real life!

In October 2014 The Care Quality Commission announced its new model for inspecting Health and Social Care Services.
Inspectors measuring against key indicators (is the service safe, caring, effective, responsive to needs, and well-led?) are now also asked to consider whether these are services that they would be happy for someone they love and care for to use – the “Mum Test”.
In doing this, inspectors have been able to assess services through greater involvement from users, families, friends and also trained members of the public (“Experts by Experience”). The culmination of which is to make the whole process more transparent, inclusive and understandable for the public in general.

So how was it for us?! 

According to this new inspection model our East Devon service was awarded the outcome of “GOOD” in November 2015.
The inspection took place over 3 full days, plus time for subsequent communications for the purposes of clarification and requests for additional resources. 
From the moment of her arrival, the inspector had the freedom to explore any part of our office, filing cabinets and computer records.  She also had access to all the details of customers receiving our regulated care services.  In all, our inspector contacted and spoke with 45 staff and customers.
Our experience before, during and after the inspection showed a high degree of rigour, focused ultimately on the experience of the customer but also our staff.
The report we received after the inspection, explaining our award of GOOD, was clear and well written. It gave good examples of our practice and provided feedback in the form of quotes and summary statements from several of the 45 sources of information the Inspector had accessed.
Now the report has been finalised we are required (and are very happy!) to display in public and online, our outcome of GOOD, much like cafĂ©’s and restaurants display their hygiene ratings.

Would it pass the Mum Test? 

Gone are the tick box exercises of old… that I can safely report!  This was a comprehensive, no holds barred inspection process with a clear and understandable outcome.
I feel confident that this new model of inspection would certainly unearth poor providers of care and support services. 
So, based on our experience, if my Mum received care from a company rated as Good or better, I for one would be happy.