Bluebird Care Exeter & East Devon Newsletter

Published: 21/01/2016

Welcome to this latest addition of our monthly newsletter!

Welcome to this latest addition of our monthly newsletter!

Happy New Year!

(I’m sorry if it’s bad luck to still be saying it but as this is our first newsletter of 2016, it has to be said!) 
I hope that your Christmas period was full of fun, laughter and happiness, whether you were with loved ones or working. 
Christmas does feel a long time ago now and here at Bluebird Care Exeter and East Devon we’ve certainly hit the ground in 2016 running!
Our CQC report for Exeter was finalised and I’m so proud to say that we were awarded Outstanding for Well Led with a rating for Good overall. We are also only one of three Bluebird Care franchises across the 200 in the UK to receive an Outstanding standard – a true testament to the hardwork and committed team in Exeter.
We also hosted our Customer Christmas Lunch in the Broadclyst Village Hall. It was a great success and the feedback from both customers and their families was what an enjoyable day it was and how they enjoyed meeting and getting to know members of the Bluebird Care office team – many of whom they speak with regularly but had never met. A massive thank you must go to Nicola our Senior Coordinator who took charge, cooked and timed perfectly a turkey dinner for over 40 people! 
Towards the end of last year we presented the second winner of our Community Grant, The Soundwaves Music Project with their £500 cheque. Entries have now closed for our Q4 Community Grant Award and I look forward to announcing the winner in our next Newsletter.

Bluebird Care Exeter rated OUTSTANDING for Well Led and Good Overall in recent CQC Inspection

In an announced inspection, the CQC assessed our Exeter Office and were impressed with the level of care provided and particularly noted the outstanding leadership from Jaqueline Fyall our Registered Manager. The inspector focused on five core elements: was the service safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led. I’m really proud to say we were rated either GOOD or OUTSTANDING in all areas.
In 2015 we provided care and support to 988 people their own homes across Exeter and Exmouth. Within the report, the inspector stated that “Without exception people using the service, relatives and care workers all spoke very highly of the management team and office support staff”. Service users spoke positively about the care they received, advising they were always treated with kindness and compassion and had no complaints about the care currently provided.
The report highlighted the outstanding leadership and support from our well organised management team and praised staff recruitment and retention initiatives such as career pathways, training and rewards to encourage a stable and skilled staff team. The inspector found that our staff morale was good and that staff were proud to work for Bluebird Care.
I am of course delighted that an independent inspector has recognised the fantastic level of service offered to our customers by our committed team of staff.  The report highlights just how happy our customers are and how satisfied staff are at work which is a source of considerable satisfaction.  We will continue to develop our services and hope that we can achieve outstanding overall, in time for our next inspection “
You can read a full copy of the inspection here: Bluebird Care Exeter CQC Report



On Monday 21st December we hosted our annual Christmas lunch for 40 of our Customers who enjoyed a three course lunch and entertainment at the Broadclyst Victory Hall and raised over £70 for AgeUK. 
Customers were treated to a three course meal, prepared and served by our passionate and hardworking office team and were entertained whilst they ate by a local choir singing traditional Christmas carols.
We invited our customers to bring along family, loved ones and friends with them to the lunch, creating a fun and festive atmosphere with everyone joining in and chatting together.
We host the Christmas Lunch to help combat the feelings of isolation and loneliness that many people feel at Christmas. Jacqueline Fyall, our Business Leader (Registered Manager) said “We wanted to put on a relaxed, fun and welcoming day for our customers, where they could come and enjoy a turkey lunch with loved ones or by themselves. It was so lovely to see them chatting amongst themselves, I even think a few new friendships have been formed!”
The day included a charity raffle which raised over £70 for AgeUK Exeter for their “No one” campaign.


We awarded our grant of £500 to the Soundwaves Music Project to enable them to purchase new musical instruments so they can continue providing music activities and help unlock the creative potential for adults with and without learning difficulties.
We had numerous applications for our Grant from voluntary organisations and community projects across Exeter and East Devon but felt the Soundwaves Music Project deserved to win as they provided a place for people to get together, have fun, form friendships but importantly raise awareness to a wider community of what differently abled people can achieve.
Adrian Bull, Chief Officer for the charity said “I am delighted that Soundwaves has been chosen for this community grant… it is great news and we are over the moon as some of our instruments have been played to within an inch of their lives and are only just holding on! As a small charity, £500 makes quite an impact”
Soundwaves has been working with differently abled people in and around Exeter for just over 10 years and have written songs and music and performed at various events in the City including performing at the Christmas light switch on and leading the opening ceremony for the Exeter Respect Festival.
You can read more about them in a recent guest blog they wrote for us: Moments in Music

We’ve awarded quite a few Care Workers of the Months since our Newsletter last year.

Charlotte Llewellyn, East Devon

Charlotte was nominated by her customer Ms R who wanted to compliment Charlotte on her great work and dedication to her job.

Galina Karadjova, Exeter

Galina was been nominated by Sophia Rolfe our Live In Service Manager for her dedication to her Live In Customer, providing ongoing support both at home and when the Customer was in hospital.


Deborah Foxford, East Devon

Debbie was nominated by the family of one of our Customers, who were so grateful for her initiative and quick thinking.

Tracy Hardware, Exeter

Tracy has been awarded Care Worker of the Month for her dedication to her customers and excellent feedback to the office staff around ongoing issues.

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