
Showing results 217 - 225 (of 232)

Care Worker of the Month

Congratulations to Kirsty and Maria, our Care Workers of the Month in May!


[INFOGRAPHIC] Top 10 Tips for Preventing Falls

We know that looking after your health and wellbeing is vital to maintaining your independence. Bluebird Care Exeter often provide care and support to people following a fall and over the years we have learnt the things you can do to keep moving, stay safe and avoid the risk of falling. We want to use our experience to help our customers and their families, so we have created an infographic of the Top 10 Tips for Preventing Falls. We hope you will find this useful.


Bluebird Care - Exeter and East Devon Supports Carers Week 2015

We are looking forward to supporting Carers Week 2015!


Celebrating and recognising our office team!

We’ve had a busy week celebrating several of our office team’s long service achievements!


BLOG | Volunteering by Dan Socaciu

To celebrate Volunteers Week our Regional Training Manager Dan has written a blog about his volunteer work with Exmouth & District Talking Newspaper


Bluebird Care – Exeter and East Devon Community Grant Scheme

We are extremely pleased to announce the launch of our new Community Grant Scheme for Exeter and East Devon!


Volunteers are extraordinary: celebrate what they do

On the 1-7 June Bluebird Care Exeter & East Devon will be supporting Volunteers Week across the UK. Thanks to Volunteers Week organisers National Council for Voluntary Organisations, the UK's 15 million volunteers will be publicly recognised for the great work they do.


Care Worker of the Month

Congratulations to Rebecca, our Care Worker of the Month for Aprill!


Could you spot the signs of stroke?

Remember to think FAST…


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