A Royal Tea Party…

On Wednesday 25th May we hosted a “Royal Tea Party” at our office based at Lancaster Park, in celebration of the Queen’s Jubilee.


On Wednesday 25th May we hosted a “Royal Tea Party” at our office based at Lancaster Park, in celebration of the Queen’s Jubilee.

We were delighted to be joined by a number of our customers along with their families and our care team. Everyone joined in with the fun and games, which included, Guess the Royal, a Royal Quiz, a good old game of Bingo, Tin Can Alley and Guess the Number of Sweets in the jar!

A selection of sandwiches were served alongside, cakes and fresh cream scones, which everyone enjoyed whilst listening to our live singer Alexandra Doherty who blew us away with her amazing voice. Alexandra sang an assortment of songs from 1930 to the 1970’s, which proved to be a real hit, and even prompted our customers and care team to get up and have a dance too! We ended the event with a visit from Ashmore’s Ice-cream van where we treated all that wanted one to a 99!!

We received some truly heart-warming compliments from those that attended

I can’t remember the last time I felt this happy.

Mr R.C

This is the first time I’ve been out and put my lipstick on in nearly 3 years, thank you for doing this.

Mrs N.C

It was a real honour to host such an event, and was wonderful to see our customers all dressed up with their lipstick and pearls on for the occasion.