We are staying hydrated at Bluebird Care Eastbourne & Wealden

Published: 20/06/2017

With a weather warning over the next few days due to the increasing heat, it is vital for everyone to stay hydrated. Here at Bluebird Care Eastbourne & Wealden we are stocking up on our bottled water to issue to our care staff.

With a weather warning over the next few days due to the increasing heat, it is vital for everyone to stay hydrated. Here at Bluebird Care Eastbourne & Wealden we are stocking up on our bottled water to issue to our care staff; some of the team have been in for a staff meeting yesterday and were happy to take a bottle of water with them to their next call.

A stock has been put in our office fridge and our senior care workers will be delivering cool bottled water to those in need while out working, all members of staff are welcome to stop by the office at any point to use the facilities or collect some bottled water.