Macmillan Coffee Morning at Bluebird Care Eastbourne & Wealden

Published: 30/09/2015

On Friday the 25th of September Bluebird Care (Eastbourne & Wealden) held a coffee morning for Macmillan Cancer Support. 

On Friday the 25th Of September Bluebird Care (Eastbourne & Wealden) held a coffee morning for Macmillan Cancer Support.

Office staff, Care workers and local businesses joined us to participate in games and raffles, fuelled by lots of coffee and cake. We work closely with Macmillan in many of our customers homes and are passionate about the cause.

We raised £100 for Macmillan Cancer Support, selling homemade produce and raffle tickets. Delia Edge who is one of our recent carer of the month winners has just been promoted to  team leader, she spent the day running our cake stall. Delia has donated a day’s wages to the charity, making our grand total £140.70.

These are our pictures from the day;