Our Summer Newsletter

Published: 11/09/2020

In our Summer 2020 newsletter, we looked back at what we have achieved and overcome during the Covid-19 outbreak.

We can not thank our office staff and our carers enough for going the extra mile for our customers, keeping them safe and protected. We also want to thank our customers for bearing with us during such a hectic time.

To create some normality, we did not miss the opportunity to put together our twice-yearly newsletter for our customers and carers. Keeping in contact with you is extremely important to us, and despite shielding, social distancing and the lockdown, we were able to achieve just this.

Although Covid-19 had an impact on many businesses around the UK, we were able to come out of the lockdown with triumph - why? Because not one of our customers contracted the virus, and this is testament of what the Bluebird team have achieved with vigour, fully adhering to precaution and wearing all the right PPE.

The pandemic also shook the way we do things. Training for example was reinvented to include e-learning and having a minimum of four carers in the training room. Our People Engagement and Development Officer, Lindsey Clark talks about this in this newsletter.

We often want to inject joy and positivity into our work and especially so during these harder days. And with no exception, in this newsletter, we announced births and celebrated big birthdays! Birthday celebrations during the lockdown is difficult, but not impossible, and we share photos of our happy, smiling ladies who reached 100 years and beyond!

And finally, as a highly awarded company, we wanted to share the rewards and recognition made by the Care Inspectorate and homecare.co.uk. It is the consistent hard work each and every one of our Bluebird Care staff put into their roles to contribute to such desirable recognition. Such rewards also gives our customers and their families full assurance and confidence of our excellent grade 6 service which will endeavour to maintain.

To read our newsletter, click here.