Q and A Time With Our Care Assistant Lisa

Published: 07/11/2017

At Bluebird Care Essex West / Brentwood our care staff are at the heart of our business. We pride ourselves on recruiting the most attentive individuals who have a real passion for care. Today’s Q and A session features Lisa, who like many of our care assistants had no experience in care prior to joining Bluebird.  

Lisa is one of our newest additions to our Care Assistant team. Since joining Bluebird a few months ago Lisa has successfully achieved her Care Certificate and is now progressing along her career pathway here at Bluebird Care. 

How did you get to know about Bluebird Care?

I first found out about Bluebird Care when I was walking my children too school, I saw their sandwich board situated outside their office. After this first initial first encounter with the Bluebird Care I noticed their local office each time I walk passed. 

So would you say that the local office was a big factor in you deciding to choose Bluebird Care?

Yes definitely. The local office meant that I passed Bluebird Care every day and saw the friendly faces coming in and out of the office doors, so by the time I chose to progress with a career in home care I felt familiar with the company. 

So obviously the localisation was a key factor, was there any other reasons why you chose Bluebird?

A key reason I chose Bluebird was the people. Everyone here is so friendly and welcoming, I really felt I could learn and connect with the people here on a personal level.

Great! What sort of things have you learnt so far?

I have obviously grasped a solid foundation in dealing with a range of complex needs. Examples of this would include specialist Dementia awareness training, which I learnt through gaining my care certificate. I am also studying for my NVQ Level 3 which is funded by Bluebird and gives me a greater understanding of the home care sector as a whole.

What other methods of learning is there aside to the in-house training and NVQ?

I feel the learning has not stopped since the first day I have walked into Bluebird. I often meet with new customers on a weekly basis and I have to learn how to care for them in a personable way and adapt my skills to ensure I provide the best home care service. I would definitely say the method of learning I have benefited from most is the one to one mentoring. When I first set out at Bluebird Care I shadowed a senior/experienced care assistant which gave me the opportunity to ask any questions that was not covered in training. 

So your a few months into your career with Bluebird Care now, where do you see your career in 4 years time?

I definitely see myself at Bluebird Care, there is so much scope for career progression here. Whilst I would like to continue in a community based role, I would like to try a Live in care role. I think I am attracted to live in care as here I really  have the opportunity to develop a close relationship with a customer and attend to their specific needs.

Thats lovely, I know you have to get back to your family but one final question. What advice would you give someone who is considering a career with Bluebird?

The best advice I could give is just pop in. Do what I did, meet the friendly people here and become a part of the culture we all create.