Picnic in the Park 2022

Published: 21/09/2022

Staff & Families invited to join the annual picnic & sports games in the park..

Sunday 18th of September 2022

Bluebird Care Essex West Annual Staff & Family Picnic in the Park 2022 

Clem Towlson, the registered manager for Bluebird Care Essex West, invited all her care team and their families to join the annual picnic in the park, at the local, King George’s Playing Fields, Brentwood Essex, now in its 2nd year! This event was scheduled between the lunch and evening care calls, enabling as many care team members to attend.

Children's Games

Bluebird Care Essex West Annual Staff & Family Picnic in the Park 2022

It was so much fun, I love the sack race!

Bluebird Care Essex West Annual Staff & Family Picnic in the Park 2022

Adults turn!

Bluebird Care Essex West attends Brentwood Family Day 2022

Bluebird Care Essex West attends Brentwood Family Day 2022

Very competitive, but it was a tight finish!

After the sports day games, it was time for a rounders match! Splitting the team into 10 members on each side, some scored rounders, others got caught straight out, but everyone that played had such fun!

Bluebird Care Essex West attends Brentwood Family Day 2022

Bluebird Care Essex West attends Brentwood Family Day 2022

I hit the ball, ran, and won our first team rounder!

Bluebird Care Essex West attends Brentwood Family Day 2022

After these games, it was time to sit down, rest, and eat our picnic...

Bluebird Care Essex West attends Brentwood Family Day 2022

Babs – Bluebird Care Essex West Care Assistant said; 

I was able to join this fun event between my care shifts, I am so glad I came, I had a great time, thank you so much for organising!

Bluebird Care Essex West attends Brentwood Family Day 2022

Bluebird Care Essex West attends Brentwood Family Day 2022

Bluebird Care Essex West attends Brentwood Family Day 2022

As the afternoon was drawing to the end, there was one last game that some wanted to play, a 5-a-side football match! It is fair to say, we needed a referee for the game, but it was all about having fun, this is exactly what Clem had set out to do.

Bluebird Care Essex West attends Brentwood Family Day 2022

Bluebird Care Essex West attends Brentwood Family Day 2022

Clem's team continually works hard and many always go above and beyond their call of duty, it was so good to see Clem and her care team have some well-deserved time out delivering care and enjoying themselves with their families.

Bluebird Care Essex West attends Brentwood Family Day 2022

It was an amazing afternoon - thank you all for coming - look forward to next year!

If you need care for a loved one from 30 minutes a day to full live-in care service, please contact us today!

Looking for a rewarding job delivering care and supporting our community with an amazing team? We look after and support all our staff as well as our wonderful customers - we currently have job opportunities - please visit our careers website

Take care!