Developing The Use Of Technology In Homecare

Published: 18/01/2019

What does Bluebird Care have in common with Theresa May and Shinzo Abe?! The recent press briefing between Theresa Mays and the Japanese PM Shinzo Abe was interesting for so many reasons, but did you spot the reference to Home Care!

What does Bluebird Care have in common with Theresa May and Shinzo Abe?!

The recent press briefing between Theresa Mays and the Japanese PM Shinzo Abe was interesting for so many reasons, but did you spot the reference to Home Care!

As you may imagine the reference was to increased cooperation to develope the use of Technology to help people remain independent at home and to manage health conditions independently at home.

At Bluebird Care we are already forging a way forward regarding the use of Home Care Technology.  For over two years now we have been using our care planning system which gives our team instant access to a patient’s care plan via their smartphones.  It is designed to guide care workers through the essential tasks and medication that need to be addressed during the visit to meet the specific outcomes of the person.

Importantly as soon as the visit has concluded by the team member making their observations they are instantly visible to all users – including family members so they have a daily insight to the wellbeing of their loved one.
Our next step in 2019 is to bring in technology that enables us to take physiological measurements of all our customers and to increasingly go paperless in our way of working.

We might not quite make it to in to the national news in the way Mrs May and Mr Abe did, but we are determined to helpful use technology to make a difference in our world – our customers’ daily lives.