Bluebird Guides: Virtual Learning & Workshops

Published: 03/06/2020

It’s now been over eight weeks since the UK officially locked down and for many people, it’s beginning to become far harder to stay at home.

It’s now been over eight weeks since the UK officially locked down and for many people, it’s beginning to become far harder to stay at home. After eight weeks of being stuck inside most of the time, it’s easy to start to become bored and agitated by the situation. 

A great approach to take for beating feelings of boredness, frustration and agitation is to consider enhancing your learning in some way. Thanks to lockdown, there are a wide number of free online workshops and resources that can be utilised to give your knowledge of almost any topic a boost, from fitness regimes to baking and everything in between. 

Below, we have put together a guide to some interesting and exciting virtual learning resources and workshops. 

Workout classes

There are plenty of different workout classes available online, from HiT classes and Zumba workouts to classes designed for people who struggle with mobility, there are plenty of classes online to keep you busy. 

Check out these classes:

Free art guides and exhibitions 

There are also plenty of free online art classes, guides and exhibitions to explore, many of which include some fantastic art instruction, perfect for anyone who wants to hone their art skills. 

Check out these tutorials:

Language classes 

Lockdown is the ideal time to learn a new language. Is there a language that you’ve always wanted to learn to speak? If so, then you might like the concept of learning to speak said language during your time in lockdown. 

Here are some resources to help: