Bluebird Care Top 5 Ways to Celebrate Grandparents’ Day

Published: 30/09/2021

Here at Bluebird Care Exeter we celebrate and support the older generation throughout the year.

However, Grandparents Day is a day to acknowledge the contribution specifically made by grandparents (in all their shapes and sizes including step-grandparents, kinship care and more) to our younger generations.

The day is a time for family to show gratitude and respect for the older generation.  With coronavirus and the subsequent lockdowns keeping so many families apart Grandparents Day feels even more poignant in 2021.

Here are our Top 5 ideas for a fantastic Grandparents' Day

  1. Make something especially for your Grandparent (how about a card or a picture? Or even a poem if you’re feeling creative)
  2. Ask them to show you old photo albums and tell you about some stories behind the photos
  3. Ask them to pass a piece of their knowledge or skills onto you – maybe bake their favourite cake together so you know the recipe, or maybe learn read a map? How about learning to sew or how use a hammer safely? I’m sure your Grandparent has a fantastic skill up their sleeve just waiting to be passed on.
  4. Interview them – ask them questions about their amazing live
  5. Make a family tree with photos or hand-drawn pictures of family members

These are a few ideas that we came up with. Some of these could also work well with long distance family over Zoom, Skype or FaceTime. Also, you might want to do something completely different; something that's special to you and your grandparents. 

What makes our homecare services different is that we put you first. We aim to provide you with the same standard of care that we would expect for our own families. This means valuing each person’s unique qualities and seeing them as an individual, and not as a list of care needs.  Find our more about our services here: