Top 5 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

Although the winter is often seen as a time of joy and happiness; the time of reflection can also leave many feeling lonely or worried.


Although the winter is often seen as a time of joy and happiness; the time of reflection can also leave many feeling lonely or worried.

The winter blues can happen to anyone at all – the extra stress and strain of the season making many feel more tired than usual or losing interest in things that previously gave you joy.

Once you know the signs you can tackle the feelings head on.

Our Devon Bluebirds Top 5 Tips:

  1. Be Social: be close with those that bring you joy. Go to your office holiday party, meet friends for coffee and a mince pie or attend a local event such as a Christmas Lights Switch On or Market
  2. Keep Active: Keep to your schedule of exercise – whatever that looks like to you. Physical activity is important for your health but also releases endorphins that keep you happy.  Just take a short walk each day to breath in fresh air and you will feel much better.
  3. Keep Away from the Negative: stay in the moment and enjoy as much as you can. The past is the past and you can’t change anything by dwelling on it.
  4. Make Time for You: make sure you find ‘me’ time throughout the season. Just 10-15 mins to stop what you are doing and maybe read a magazine or watch a little bit of television.
  5. Drink Moderately: Be careful to not overdo alcohol during the holiday season. Be mindful of your drinking and avoid having too much.

Try to manage your expectations for this holiday season and pay attention to how you feel. If you feel off – talk to friend and take into account the tips above.