Bluebird Care NEW Devon Visits New Location for Exeter Foodbank


In a show of community support, Boudicca from Bluebird Care NEW Devon recently visited the new location for Exeter Foodbank on Cowick Street in St Thomas, Exeter. This visit underscores the ongoing commitment of Bluebird Care to engage with and support local initiatives that make a significant impact on the community.

The Exeter Foodbank is not only a vital resource for many local families but also looking through their statistics, a number of older people access the service too. People can not only receive a three-day emergency food supply through referrals but also several other supporting services regarding debt management, benefits advice and more.

They have moved to a larger and more accessible location to better serve the growing needs of the community. The new premises offer expanded space for storage, more efficient distribution of food supplies, and improved facilities for volunteers and clients alike. This upgrade comes at a crucial time as food insecurity continues to be a pressing issue for many residents.

Bluebird Care, known for its high-quality home care services, understands the importance of community-based support systems. The visit was an opportunity for the representative to learn more about the operations of the Foodbank, understand the challenges it faces, and explore ways in which Bluebird Care can contribute to its mission.

During the visit, Boudicca met with the dedicated staff and volunteers who work tirelessly to ensure that no one in the community goes hungry.

We are incredibly impressed by the work Exeter Foodbank is doing. At Bluebird Care, we are committed to supporting our local community in any way we can, and we look forward to working with the Foodbank to help make a difference.

Boudicca, Bluebird Care NEW Devon

Together, they aim to build a stronger, more resilient community where everyone has access to essential resources and support.

Find out more about Exeter Foodbank here.