Dennis Reed's Daily Challenge: Raising Funds and Awareness for Mental Health


Dennis Reed, our dedicated Live-in and Lead Co-ordinator at Bluebird Care NEW Devon, is taking an extraordinary step to support mental health awareness and funding. Throughout July, Dennis is committing to move 1.4 miles every day, a challenge aimed at raising funds for Mental Health UK.

Mental health issues are prevalent, affecting one in four people at some point in their lives. This statistic underscores the urgent need for increased awareness and support for mental health services. By choosing to move daily, Dennis is not only promoting physical activity, which is known to benefit mental health, but also highlighting the importance of consistent, daily efforts in tackling mental health challenges.

Bluebird Care NEW Devon is proud to support Dennis in this endeavour. By raising funds for Mental Health UK, Dennis aims to contribute to vital resources and support networks that can make a difference in many lives.

Supporting Dennis in his mission is simple you can make contributions to Mental Health UK through his fundraising page and follow his journey on social media.

FInd out more about Mental Health UK here.