
Showing results 82 - 90 (of 325)

Bluebird Care Guides: Taking Care of Your Wellbeing in Lockdown

New research has shown a significant link between lockdown and mental health problems, which is why taking care of your wellbeing is so important.


Bluebird Guides: Staying In Contact With Family

During the current pandemic, one of the main issues impacting many of our customers and the wider community is being unable to see loved ones. 


Bluebird Care Celebrates VE Day's 75th Anniversary

We are pleased to be able to share the incredible story of one of customers who was an active part of the wartime effort, working on the Bombe machine.


Resources for Education and Entertaining Children while in Lockdown

We have put together a number of ideas and pieces of inspiration for making entertaining and educating your children at home easier during lockdown.


Bluebird Care Celebrates VE Day

To celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE Day, Bluebird Care is proud to share the incredible story of one of our customers, who bravely fought in the war.


Community Spirit: Shopping & Medication

With the current restrictions in place for self isolation, it has become increasingly difficult for our customers and all elderly to obtain their basics such as food and medication.


Designing For Dementia: How To Create The Perfect Space

If you are living with dementia, living in your own home may help you to feel safer and more comfortable, particularly if you receive regular home care visits from professional carers. 


Stay active while in isolation with Yoga

Yoga is an ancient system of personal development which includes physical postures, breathing practices, relaxation and meditation techniques.


Bluebird Care Exeter named Winner of Exeter Living Awards' Health and Wellbeing category 2020

Bluebird Care Exeter are delighted to announce that their commitment to providing ‘Outstanding’ levels of care has been recognised in the Exeter Living Awards 2020.


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