Bluebird Guides: Staying In Contact With Family

Published: 02/05/2020

During the current pandemic, one of the main issues impacting many of our customers and the wider community is being unable to see loved ones.

During the current pandemic, one of the main issues impacting many of our customers and the wider community is being unable to see loved ones. 

When the UK went into lockdown in March, life across the country changed beyond recognition. Simple pleasures that many of us took for granted, such as seeing our friends and family, came to a halt, and face-to-face meetings have since prohibited, which has led to an increase in loneliness across the UK, especially in older and vulnerable people who live alone. 

While it may not be possible to see loved ones at the current time, there are plenty of ways that you can still keep in touch with your family and friends, despite having to remain physically apart. 

Utilise Zoom to keep in contact 

Zoom is a fantastic tool for speaking with large groups of people at once. You are able to host group video calls of large numbers of people, making Zoom a great tool for keeping in contact with family and friends. 

Many people across the UK have been using Zoom not only for chatting, but also for hosting games nights, quizzes, and coffee meet-ups. 

Learn more about Zoom via:

Video call one-to-one via FaceTime, Whatsapp or Facebook 

For one-to-one video calls, or calls with up to two other people, FaceTime, Whatsapp or Facebook video call are all fantastic tools to use. 

Learn more:

Have a socially distanced cup of tea or picnic 

If you aren’t shielding, then new government guidelines state that you can meet one other person outside of your home, as long as you stay two metres apart at all times. 

A lot of people have been inviting friends or loved ones for a cup of tea outside of their front gate, while stay two metres apart. 

Others have organised socially distanced picnics in local parks, ensuring that they are at least two metres apart at all times. 

Just remember, if you do choose to meet anyone from outside your household it must be in an outdoor space and you must remain at least two metres apart at all times.