Jen’s Experience With Bluebird Care

At Bluebird Care, not only do we provide exceptional care for each of our customers, but we love listening to them speak about their life lessons and the valuable memories they have lived through.


At Bluebird Care, not only do we provide exceptional care for each of our customers, but we love listening to them speak about their life lessons and the valuable memories they have lived through.

We understand that the decision to get care for either yourself or a loved one can be incredibly tough and a daunting time for all involved. Jen explained that her main concern about seeking support after her stroke was, “the fear of the unknown” but she advises people considering getting care to, "think very carefully because there is so much you have to leave behind” (thinking back to when she stayed in a care home). 

At Bluebird Care, we provide many services to help you or your loved one stay living independently and in the comfort of your own home. Our home care services tailor to your specific needs whilst helping you with the daily tasks that you may now struggle to complete alone. When we asked Jen what chores she doesn’t miss, she told us: “Cleaning the oven and windows!”Our Bluebird Care Assistants work hard to provide the care and support that our customers need. However, they are also there to provide companionship and be that friendly face we all need when times are difficult and challenging. When we asked Jen what she loves most about our Care Assistants, she told us, “that they will talk and laugh with me.” We love to hear this Jen!

Learning from the wisdom of our customers can provide valuable lessons and teach us new perspectives on life that we may not have thought of before. Jen taught us to, “keep cheerful even if it is very difficult at times.” We think this is a great motto to live by, especially as Care Assistants, as it can definitely get tough at times. However, learning to overcome it with positivity will always get you through and even benefit your customers too!

When we asked Jen about her best piece of life advice, she told us to, “be considerate to others.” We think this is a great piece of advice that we should all try to remember. When working in care, we want our customers to feel happy, healthy and independent which requires patience and kindness, and most importantly consideration. Thank you for this perspective Jen, we will definitely all take it on board.

Would you like to know more about our services? Get in touch with Bluebird Care today and we will help you with what you need!