Care Assistant of the Month Award

Published: 25/09/2015

Congratulations to Catherine Boyd who is our care assistant of the month for September 2015!

Congratulations to Catherine Boyd who is our care assistant of the month for September 2015!

Catherine has been chosen for the award due to her excellent work ethic and outstanding care for her customers.

Catherine has been praised this month for the care of one of her customers in particular;

Catherine attends 2 out of 3 visits a week to Mr B, who is in a care home and suffers from Dementia.

Mr B. is a very fit man and loves going for walks. He used to be a keen hill walker, having also completed the West Highland way on many occasions. Catherine also having completed the West Highland way and has a passion for walking, seemed like the perfect person to take on this service.

Mr B’s daughter has called this morning to increase Catherine’s care visits to 7 days a week. She advised that her father attended his day centre at Jewish Care yesterday and would not stay as he wanted to go back home and get the ‘nice lady’ to come and take him for a walk.

His daughter stated that she has seen a huge improvement in her father since we started this service last week and that he now seems more content and happy when she visits each week.

Well done Catherine, keep up the great work!