Celebrating Personal Stories with Bluebird Care: A Customer’s Insightful Journey

At Bluebird Care, we believe in creating personalised care experiences that truly resonate with our customers.


At Bluebird Care, we believe in creating personalised care experiences that truly resonate with our customers.

Recently, we had the pleasure of conducting a heartwarming questionnaire with one of our valued customers, who graciously shared her thoughts and experiences. Her insights not only highlight the exceptional care provided by our team but also offer a glimpse into the personal side of receiving support.

A Glimpse into Everyday Preferences

When asked about her preferences, our customer shared that she never sees the sunrise but enjoys watching the sunset. This simple yet profound preference underscores the importance of the little moments in life that bring joy and serenity.

Life Advice and Favourite Things

Her best piece of life advice? "Be considerate to others." And of course we agree!

When it comes to food, she enjoys a variety, without a specific favourite, which shows an openness to different experiences and tastes. And, like many of us, there’s one chore she doesn’t miss: cleaning the oven and windows!

Initial Concerns and Overcoming Fear

Her journey into seeking support was initially marked by concerns, especially after experiencing a stroke. The fear of the unknown was a significant hurdle, but she bravely embraced the necessary changes.

Advice for Others Considering Care Services

For those contemplating care services, her advice is thoughtful and candid: “Think very, very carefully because there is so much you have to leave behind,” especially when moving into a care home. This perspective highlights the emotional complexity involved in making such decisions.

One of the most heartening aspects of her experience with Bluebird Care is the connection she feels with our care assistants. She loves that they take the time to talk and laugh with her, bringing cheer and companionship into her daily routine.

Her personal motto, “Try to keep cheerful”, speaks volumes about her resilience and positive outlook, even in the face of challenges.

Our customer’s story is a testament to the personalised, compassionate care that Bluebird Care strives to provide. By sharing her experiences, we hope to shed light on the meaningful impact our services have on individuals’ lives.

If you’re considering support for yourself or a loved one, remember that at Bluebird Care, we are here to offer not just assistance, but also companionship and understanding, ensuring that every individual can live their life to the fullest.