Anne's Story


There are many forms of care we perform and its wonderful when our care team not only improve the day to day lives of our customers but also assist in the transforming the lives of our customers.

One such success story is Anne

Anne contacted us in March 2024 to discuss care, at this point Anne was feeling very low due to severe back pain, her mobility was lacking, and things had got so bad that Anne was sleeping downstairs in an armchair as she was concerned that if she fell going to bed or fell from her bed that she would be unable to raise the alarm or worse. Household chores were becoming difficult as were some aspects of personal care, food preparation and medication.

A schedule of daily visits was put in place and our care team assisted with all aspects of Anne’s daily routine including medication, food preparation, household chores, and chaperoning to doctors and physio appointments. Most importantly was Anne having someone to chat with, raise any concerns and have peace of mind that someone would be along to check she was okay.

Over the first few weeks our care team had concerns over Anne’s state of mind and on more than one occasion Anne was extremely low, our team were there to support, listen and encourage Anne and we quickly saw improvement in her.

As time went on, we encouraged Anne to start venturing back into her garden, go out for trips to the garden centre and the occasional trip to the local tearoom accompanied by the care team.

With regular encouragement Anne’s mobility improved and along with her regimented taking of medication day to day life was becoming much easier and enjoyable. Anne once again had the strength and confidence to return to her upstairs bedroom and get a decent night’s rest. She even mentioned getting her previously retired car back on the road as she missed the freedom of driving, something she never thought she would do again.

Having cared for Anne for several months it was apparent that most of the tasks we had previously been required to do were now redundant and that Anne was capable and happy to undertake them herself. With this in mind it was agreed that we could lessen the number of visits and the length of time of those visits and offer companionship calls instead.

Anne still wanted regular companionship visits as she really enjoyed chatting with the care team and a new fortnightly schedule was agreed.

We are so happy to have been able to be a part of Anne’s life over the last six months and it shows that the right care can transform someone’s life in a relatively short period of time.