
Showing results 28 - 36 (of 242)

#SmearForSmear Campaign is backed by Bluebird Care Hammersmith & Fulham

National campaign for Cervical Cancer Awareness Week


Bluebird Care is leading the way with Good Care!

Bluebird Care Hammersmith & Fulham is supporting Good Care Month this January.


Winter Warmth December 2022

Think WARMTH to save lives this winter


Bluebird Care Hammersmith & Fulham supports Carers Rights Day 2022

Carers Rights Day encourages carers in local communities to be aware of their rights and how to get the help and support they need.


Bluebird Care Hammersmith & Fulham is supporting Self Care Week 2022

Self Care Week is an annual awareness week to encourage support for self care across communities.


Bluebird Care Hammersmith & Fulham launch winter recruitment campaign

Increased need for care assistants this winter


Bluebird Care Hammersmith & Fulham supports World Arthritis Day 2022

World Arthritis Day is an international awareness raising day, headed up by The European League Against Rheumatism.


Bluebird Care Hammersmith & Fulham supports World Mental Health Day 2022

World Mental Health Day aims to raise awareness about mental health issues and encourages people to talk about their feelings and to look after their own wellbeing.


Bluebird Care Hammersmith & Fulham supports World Alzheimer’s Day 2022

Let’s talk about dementia and raise awareness.


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