Dying Matters: a conversation on palliative and end-of-life care

During Dying Matters Week, we're encouraging RBKC residents to start talking.


During Dying Matters Week, we're encouraging RBKC residents to start talking.

This year’s theme focuses on the conversations we have around death and dying.

Registered Manager Clarissa Courtney says, “Talking about dying at home shouldn’t be taboo. Our training breaks barriers, instilling confidence so our colleagues can have professional conversations about compassionate end-of-life care. Empowering those we care for in their most vulnerable moment is an honour. Ensuring their wishes around palliative and end-of-life care are observed to the letter is the most special service we provide.”

She continues, “In over a decade of service, we have provided end-of-life care to many residents of the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea. One customer, who I’ll call Aadam to protect his anonymity, received care from us since 2020. We supported him as his requirements evolved, adapting care to suit his needs and wishes. His greatest wish was to die at home, surrounded by family and with his Imam present to aid his transition into the afterlife.”

“When we were informed that he was approaching end-of-life, Aadam’s Customer Care Manager Cynthia worked tirelessly alongside his healthcare professionals, social services and his family to arrange his safe return home from hospital with the appropriate equipment in place to ensure his comfort. He was relieved to be able to return home; his Bluebird carers ensured his end-of-life wishes were observed to the letter.”

“Aadam died during Ramadan which was a blessing for him and his family, giving them comfort during their mourning. We ensured the carers who supported him and his family spoke his language so there were no communication barriers during this critical time.”

“His family said, ‘We cannot thank you enough’ for supporting Aadam to die comfortably and with dignity at home, in accordance with his wishes.”

Clarissa notes, “Let’s talk about end-of-life care. Let’s talk about dying. Death is the final journey we all take. Supporting your choices, independence and dignity during that journey is what our Bluebirds are here to do.”

Let’s talk about dying. Click here to watch the video from Hospice UK.