Bluebird Care Macclesfield celebrate Nutrition & Hydration Week

Published: 17/03/2016

This is an important week here at Bluebird Care Macclesfield, dedicated to highlighting the value of good nutrition and hydration, particularly in older people.

This is an important week here at Bluebird Care Macclesfield, dedicated to highlighting the value of good nutrition and hydration, particularly in older people.

Our respective staff and customer newsletters this month have detailed the importance of adequate fluid intake for optimal health at an age, as well as what constitutes a healthy, well-balanced diet.

Care Assistants have been busy in the community, promoting the key messages of this campaign to all of their customers.
Bluebird Care customers Mr and Mrs Watson of Congleton are pictured, having just had their lunchtime water glasses refilled by Care Assistant Paula Cheney!

Mrs Watson commented that whilst she feels her own fluid intake to be good, her husband does need gentle reminders!

Talking to Care Manager Jayne Wakefield, Mrs Watson went on to say;
I am very pleased with the Bluebird Care service and I certainly enjoy the visits from all of the Care Assistants. I know there are a lot of companies out there but I think you are the best!”
In particular, Mr and Mrs Watson highly commended Care Assistant Paula who will now receive one of our “fabulous feedback awards” to recognise outstanding work.

Jayne Wakefield, Care Manager expresses a view on the importance of nutrition and hydration;
Many of our homecare visits centre around making sure vulnerable people are prompted and assisted where necessary to attend to their diet and fluid intake. Our Care Assistants can visit at breakfast, lunch and tea if necessary to help prepare food and encourage good hydration, most necessary for health and well-being.”