
Showing results 91 - 99 (of 180)

Bluebird Care Macclesfield is supporting the Stroke Association’s Make May Purple campaign

This May Bluebird Care Macclesfield is supporting the Stroke Association’s annual stroke awareness month, Make May Purple.


Congratulations Diane!

We are pleased to announce that care assistant Diane is the 13th member in our team to reach 5 years of service.


Bluebird Care Macclesfield is supporting Parkinson’s Awareness Week 2017

Bluebird Care Macclesfield is supporting Parkinson’s Awareness Week 2017, an annual campaign run by Parkinson’s UK, from 10-16 April.


Care Assistants from Bluebird Care Macclesfield receive training on Asperger’s and Autism

Ahead of this year’s Autism awareness week 27th March to 2nd April 2017, care assistants at Bluebird Care Macclesfield attended an Autism and Asperger’s syndrome training course to equip them with a better understanding of these conditions. 


Leanne gets covered in paint for St Luke's Hospice

As promised Leanne Salmon completed the Crewe Colour Run on February 22nd.


Congratulations Jackie!

Care assistant Jackie is the 12th member of our team to reach 5 years of service!


Bluebird Care Macclesfield is supporting 2017’s Nutrition & Hydration Week

Bluebird Care Macclesfield is supporting this year’s Nutrition & Hydration Week which runs from 13 – 19 March 2017.


Andrea Continues to raise funds for Cholangiocarcinoma Charity

Back in November we reported on Andrea Sheardown's story, who we have worked with for many years in advertising our services in her publications across the community. Take a look at what she has been up to since.


We are supporting St Luke's Hospice

We are pleased to announce that we are supporting the work of St Luke's Hospice in Cheshire by taking part in an upcoming fun run.  


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