
Showing results 118 - 126 (of 180)

Bluebird Care Macclesfield support National Eye Health Week

Bluebird Care Macclesfield is supporting National Eye Health Week which takes place from 19th – 25th September 2016. 


Bluebird Care Macclesfierld Care Coordinator signs up for world's fastest zipwire

Care Coordinator Francesca Wrigley has signed up to take part in Europe's highest zipwire.


Well done David!

David Williams who is a care assistant at Bluebird Care Macclesfield, has completed the Step out for Stroke walk in order to raise money for the Stroke Association. 


Bluebird Care Macclesfield helped raise money for Motor Neurone Disease

In aid of Motor Neurone Disease Awareness Month Bluebird Care Macclesfield helped raise money for the Motor Neurone Disease Association last bank holiday Monday!  


Bluebird Care Macclesfield support Deafblind Awareness Week 2016

Bluebird Care Macclesfield is supporting Deafblind Awareness Week 2016, an annual event run by the charity Deafblind UK, from the 27 June – 3 July 2016.


Bluebird Care Macclesfield show their support for the ‘Make May Purple’ campaign

On Friday 27th May 2016, the team at Bluebird Care Macclesfield were delighted to participate in raising money for the Make May Purple campaign. 


Bluebird Care Macclesfield support RA Awareness Week 2016

Bluebird Care Macclesfield is supporting RA Awareness Week (RAAW) 2016, an annual campaign led by National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society, from 13 – 19 June.


Bluebird Care Macclesfield support Diabetes Awareness Week 2016

Bluebird Care Macclesfield is supporting Diabetes Awareness Week 2016, an annual campaign led by Diabetes UK, from 12 – 18 June.


Bluebird Care Macclesfield support Carers Week 2016

Bluebird Care Macclesfield is supporting Carers Week 2016, an annual campaign which takes place from 6-12 June.


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